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Service Dog Training in Michigan

Service Dogs in the US are subject to the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) regulations. ADA defines service animals as dogs that have been “individually trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability. The task(s) performed by the dog must be directly related to the person's disability”. Laws may vary on a state level and provide additional rights to handler-dog teams or require all dogs to be vaccinated or licensed. Any discrimination and disregard for the rights of handlers and their service animals will be considered an ADA violation. We will let you know more about the laws in Michigan that regulate the status of service animals as well as about training organizations in this state.

Taylor Morgan · Aug 29, 2021
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Service Dogs in the US are subject to the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) regulations. ADA defines service animals as dogs that have been “individually trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability.  The task(s) performed by the dog must be directly related to the person's disability”. Laws may vary on a state level and provide additional rights to handler-dog teams or require all dogs to be vaccinated or licensed. Any discrimination and disregard for the rights of handlers and their service animals will be considered an ADA violation.

Service Dog Laws in Michigan and their compliance with the ADA regulations

The laws in Michigan comply with the definition for service animals provided by ADA, but in some cases they allow handlers to have miniature horses as service animals, once they are individually trained. Having a miniature horse as a service animal in Michigan will require some factors to be considered so that the animal can benefit from the accommodation access rights:

  • the handler must be able to control the horse; 

  • the size and the weight should meet the requirements of the facility;   

  • the safety requirements should be considered;

  • the horse should be trained and not relieve itself on the territory of the premise.

*Both ADA regulations and Michigan laws do not recognize Emotional Support Animals as service animals and do not grant them public access rights.

Michigan laws also prohibit covered entities from requiring any documentation as proof for the disability or the animal’s training.

Handlers may be asked only two questions:

1. Is this a service animal due to a disability;

2. What tasks he/she has been trained to perform.

However, handlers need to supervise their service animals and control them at all times. If the animal behaves inappropriately and causes damage, handler-dog teams may be required to leave.

Service animals in Michigan, must be: harnessed, leashed, or tethered unless

  •    the devices interfere with the service  animal’s work or task;

  •    the handler’s disability prevents the use of these devices.

Michigan laws as well as ADA regulations do not require service animals to wear a vest, a harness, or any identification devices.

Landlords must comply with the federal Fair Housing Act and provide handlers and their service animals with equal rights and an opportunity to use the property.

To be eligible for a service animal, an individual must deal with a physical or mental disability that “substantially limits one or more major life activities” and a need for the animal, verified by a medical professional.

As you can see laws in Michigan, that regulate the rights and responsibilities of handlers and their service animals largely comply with the ADA regulations.

Training Options

If you are a Michigan citizen and you would like to train your own dog or receive a trained one, we will provide you with more detailed information about your options.

The first option you have is to train your own service dog. Luckily for handlers who prefer this option, ADA allows dogs to be owner-self trained. In this case you need to invest a lot of effort, time, patience, and consistency. The main benefits are that you will be able to train your dog at your own pace from the comfort of your own home. Moreover, this option is the most affordable one and it provides handlers with the opportunity to adjust the training process to their needs.

The second option for handlers who want to receive assistance from service animals is to contact an organization or a professional trainer. The biggest disadvantage of this option is the costs, which may be prohibitively expensive due to the investment needed. It may cost up to $30-40 000 to get a trained service animal. However, in this case you will benefit from the experience and techniques of professionals. Of course, you need to make research in order to ensure that the organization and the trainer are legitimate, reliable and the training process will suit your needs.

A third option is to get a service dog from an animal or a rescue group. In this case, you can get a dog and then train him/her yourself to become a service animal.

You also may want to enroll in an online training program that provides lessons and video materials for owner-self training.

In the next part of the article, we will provide you with information about training organizations based in Michigan, that will help you train your own service dog, provide you with a trained service dog or offer you different training programs, that may help you correct your furry friend’s behavior and develop in him/her good habits.

Service Dog Training Organizations in Michigan

1. Veteran Service Dogs

Address: 5906 E Grand River Rd, Howell, MI 48843, United States 

Phone: +1 517-618-3000


Costs: Free of Charge, the organization is a 100% volunteer organization;

Services: The organization’s service dogs are professionally trained in conjunction with their handler. The specific needs of the veteran will be accommodated with personalized task training. The dogs will be registered with the State of Michigan once they graduate from their program. The dogs are required to pass multiple tests in order to graduate our training program:

- AKC Canine Good Citizen;

- Public Access Certification (PAC)


1. The individual must be honorably discharged from military service;

2. The individual must have served a minimum of 1 year;

3. The individual must have a disability that requires the use of a service animal;

4. The individual must be willing and able to travel to Howell Michigan for weekly training;

5. The individual must be ready to make the commitment that having a Service Animal requires.

2. Michigan Dog Training (MIT)

Address: 1031 Cherry Street, Plymouth, Michigan 48170

Phone: 734-634-4152

Email-Address: [email protected]

Website: http://michigandogtraining.com/

Costs: Vary depending on the program. A price brochure can be found on the website here.


- Board and Train:

8 weeks – Service Dogs (PTSD, Diabetic Alert, Mobility, etc.)

6 weeks –  Off-leash reliability and advanced distraction training in the community and/or behavioral problems

4 weeks – Prepares the dog to start working off-leash

3 weeks – Excellent on-leash obedience and the Place Command to help with front door greetings of guests

2 weeks – Excellent on leash obedience to basic commands

- Day Training:

Similar to “Board and Train” without the boarding for people who live close to Michigan Dog Training located at 1031 Cherry Street, Plymouth, Michigan 48170.

Individuals can leave their dogs in the morning (Monday-Friday) between 6:30 am-8:30 am. The dog will receive training and can be picked up between 4:30 pm-6:00 pm.

- In-Home Dog Training:

Covers the following topics:

  •    How to reduce and better manage aggressive/fearful tendencies;

  •    How to modify other behavioral problems;

  •    How to teach self-imposed calm behavior;

  •    To walk  nicely on a leash; 

  •    Obedience commands (come, sit, down, stay, heel, etc.);    

  •    To wait at doorways rather than barging out past you;

  •    To go to a predetermined place and stay there till released;

  •    To bark or to be quiet upon command;

  •    To leave an item / drop an item upon command.

- Private Dog Training:

Individuals can work personally with the organization’s trainer Michael at their immaculate training facility located at 1031 Cherry Street, Plymouth, Michigan 48170.

- Group Classes:

  •    Puppy Manners 

  •    Basic Manners   

  •    Intermediate Manners

  •    E-Collar Training    

  •    Tricks and  Fun Agility

  •    Nosework

  •    Train Your Own Service Dog 

  •    Perfect Practice

- Service Dog Training:

2 options are available:

-8 week Board and Train;

-A 24 lesson Train Your Own Service Dog program. 

Both options feature public access obedience and service task training, training equipment and Service Dog Certificate upon completion.

- Dog Day Care:  

  •    Practice  already learned obedience commands;

  •    Exercise through runs and walks at Plymouth parks;

  •    Play sessions with other dogs.

- Dog Boarding:

Home Away from Home (HAH)

People who have a planned trip or a vacation can let their dogs stay at MDT. 

- Expert Witness Services:

For individuals who are a Defense Attorney or Prosecutor the organization’s trainer can provide investigation, court preparation and testimony.

3. Blue Star Service Dogs

Address: Pinckney, MI, United States

Phone: 810.626.7119

Email-Address[email protected]


Costs: Non-Profit organization


They focus on the veteran. The process will help them train their service dogs over a year-long and increase the bond between them.

Bring Your Own Dog:

Once the veteran is accepted the canine will be evaluated for training as a service animal.

Qualifications that the dog must meet to be eligible for the program:

-must have completed basic obedience classes/ training;

-must be spayed/ neutered;

-veterinarian certification of health and up to date on vaccines and preventatives;

-no records for aggression.

The training sessions are conducted weekly for at least one year at the training center in Pinckney, Michigan. 

The STAR Dog and Training Program:

Dogs have been selected from shelters and rescues, placed in the prison housed dog training program, and then paired with veteran candidates.

It features:

  •    Education on service dog laws, dog behavior, etc.;    

  •    Training exposure and pairing with a STAR dog, and then weekly sessions at the Training Center and daily training on their own.

The training sessions continue at least a year while earning Canine Good Citizen, Community Canine, Public Access, and Urban Canine testing.

4. Paws With A Cause

Address: 4646 Division, Wayland, MI 49348;  3208 Crooks, Royal Oak, MI

Phone: 616-877-7297, 248-619-9201 | Fax: 616-877-0248, 248-619-9204

Email-Address: [email protected]

Website: https://www.pawswithacause.org/

Costs: Non-Profit Organization


Assistance Dogs Training:

  •    Service Dogs;

  •    Hearing Dogs;    

  •    Seizure Response Dogs;    

  •    Dogs for Children with Autism.

Service Dogs Qualification:

An individual must be:    

  •    “14  years or older;   

  •    Have a physical disability, debilitating chronic illness or neurological disorder affecting one or more limbs;    

  •    If the dog is also trained for seizure tasks, an individual must have a minimum of one seizure per month;    

  •    If the dog is also trained for hearing tasks, an individual must have a minimum of moderate to severe bilateral hearing loss; 

  •    Be physically and cognitively capable of participating in the training process, up to one hour a day;    

  •    Be able to independently command and handle their Assistance Dog;    

  •    Be able to meet the emotional, physical and financial needs of the Assistance Dog;   

  •    Be in a stable home environment;    

  •    Actively improve their quality of life and pursue independence with their Assistance Dog;

  •    Have no other dog in the home (can have other animals);    

  •    Live in an area serviced by a PAWS Field Rep (determined upon application)”.

Hearing Dogs Qualification:

An individual must be:

  •    “18  years or older;    

  •    An  individual must have a minimum of moderate to severe bilateral  hearing loss;

  •    If the dog is also trained for seizure tasks, an individual must have a minimum of one seizure per month;    

  •    Be physically and cognitively capable of participating in the training process, up to one hour a day;    

  •    Be able to independently command and handle their Assistance Dog; 

  •    Be able to meet the emotional, physical and financial needs of the Assistance Dog;    

  •    Be in a stable home environment; 

  •    Actively improve their quality of life and pursue independence with their Assistance Dog; 

  •    Have no other dog in the home (can have other animals);    

  •    Live in an area serviced by a PAWS Field Rep (determined upon application)”.

Seizure Response Dog Qualification:

An individual must be:   

  •    “14 years or older;  

  •    An individual must have a minimum of one epileptic seizure a month.  PAWS does not consider Absence Seizures (Petit-Mal) a qualifying seizure as typically there is no physical manifestation to trigger    the dogs that they need to respond;

  •    If  the dog is also trained for hearing tasks, an individual must have a minimum of moderate to severe bilateral hearing loss;

  •    Be physically and cognitively capable of participating in the training process, up to one hour a day;    

  •    Be able to independently command and handle their Assistance Dog;   

  •    Be  able to meet the emotional, physical and financial needs of the Assistance Dog;    

  •    Be  in a stable home environment;    

  •    Actively improve their quality of life and pursue independence with their Assistance Dog;    

  •    Have no other dog in the home (can have other animals);    

  •    Live in an area serviced by a PAWS Field Rep (determined upon application)”.

Service Dogs For Children With Autism:

An individual must be:

  •   “4-12 years old: application received by 7th birthday; needs assessment completed by 9th birthday; placement prior to 12th birthday;

  •   Be  in an ongoing education program;

  •   Be in a speech, physical, occupational or recreational therapy program; 

  •   Can  be a “runner”;

  •   Have excellent family support;  

  •  Have a parent or guardian trained as a facilitator; sibling facilitators need to be 18 years or older. Please note that in a two-parent household both parents are required to attend two, three-hour training classes prior to the placement of the dog, in most cases these trainings will be within your home;

  •    Have the ability to train with their dog a minimum of one hour a day during team training;

  •    Have no other dog in the home (can have other animals);

  •    Live in an area serviced by a PAWS Field Rep (determined upon application)”.

Facility Dogs Training

When PAWS dogs can not become assistance dogs, an option available for them is to become facility dogs and work in: 

health care facilities, residential care facilities, schools, counseling and mental health settings,

senior living homes.

Pet Dog Adoption

The organization tries to find an alternative playing field for the dogs that can not be placed as PAWS Dogs. 

According to the last update of the information listed on the organization’s website, they do not accept requests for family pets at this time.

5. Canines for Change

Address: 10753 Countryside Dr. Grand Ledge, MI 48837

Phone: 517-712-8066

Email-Address: [email protected]

Website: https://caninesforchange.org/

Costs: $25 000 or more. In the price is included a lifetime support. Costs can be reduced by the organization by over half that price. Individuals can fundraise or be placed on waiting lists until funding becomes available.


Canines for Change provides trained service dogs for children and adults. Dogs are obtained at a young age and are raised with the Super Puppy Program philosophy in the organization's foster families. 

Dogs are trained advanced obedience skills including house and public manners, socialization with other animals, and interaction with people.

Puppy Training:

Puppy trainers are engaged in the training, socialization and care for the puppy from the age of 8 weeks until the age of 6-9 months. 

Puppy raisers on the other hand need to provide home and are engaged in the transportation to veterinarian centers and obedience classes that take place every week. 

Training Phase:

From the age of 8-18 months the canine will be trained to do specific tasks adjusted to the individual’s needs.

Once a puppy has been selected for a particular client, Canines for Change trainers meet with the applicant and family members to become familiar with the dog’s future home. The family members take part in the training process. At the end of the training phase, trainer and family members prepare the dog to be the new family member.

Final Phase:

Each canine will go through test. Once he/she complete the assessment successfully an ID badge will be provided by the organization. 


  •    The minimum age depends on the particular needs of the individual. For people under the age of 14 a family member will be determined as the dog’s handler; 

  •    Application needs to be completed;

  •    Documentation of the needs, abilities and disabilities needs to be featured;

  •    Assessment of the degree to which a service animal could assist the individual in their daily life;    

  •    Letters  of recommendation

The minimum age depends on each family’s specific needs. 

6. Clever Canine Dog Training

Address: 4396 Dixie Highway #7 Waterford, MI 48329

Phone: (800) 993-0631

Email-Address: [email protected]


Costs: Depend on the Services


1. Puppy Training:

Puppy Training is based in Waterford, Michigan - Serving Southeast Michigan

Puppy training has been conducted as group classes or private training. Customers also have the opportunity to leave their pup for training in the facility during the day.

You can come to us for group classes, private training, or drop your dog off on your way to work and let us train your puppy during the day. You can have a great dog even faster when you let us do the hard work for you with one of our Board and Train programs.

2. Dog Training:

Dog Training is based in Waterford, Michigan - Serving Southeast Michigan

This training is designed for dogs at the age of 6 months or older. According to the organization you may expect results in 8 weeks or less.

3. Group Training Classes:

Puppy Training based in Waterford, Michigan - Serving Southeast Michigan 

  •    AKC Star Puppy:     

- For puppies puppies up to 18 weeks of age;

  •    Agility Foundations 1:

-Agility is designed for people of all ages and physiques. There is no special equipment required;

-For dogs at the age of 6 months and older.  There are no restrictions in regard to the breed or the size;

-Cost - $198.00;

-6 Week Class;

-Dogs must be friendly with people and other dogs;

-Maximum 8 participants;

-Reservations are highly recommended;

-Students are required to show proof of vaccination when they attempt the first session.

  •    Obedience  1:

-Cost - $198.00;

-For dogs at the age of 5 months or older.  No restrictions in regard to the breed or the size;

-6 Week Class;

-Training collar not included;

-Owners have to to bring training treats, poop bags, and their dogs on a standard, 6-foot leash;

-Class size is limited to give you more one on one attention;

-Dogs must be friendly with strangers and other dogs.    

  •    Obedience  2- CGC PREP:

This is a Canine Good Citizen Prep class to take your dog’s training to a higher level.

-Cost - $198.00 for six 50 minute group classes;

-For dogs at the age of 10 months or older.  No restrictions in regard to the breed or the size;

-Must have successfully completed Obedience 1 or be part of Clever Canines Private Training Programs;

-6 Weekly Class;

-Maximum number of dogs per class: 10.

4. Service Dog and Therapy Dog Training:

Service dog training takes place in Oakland County Michigan and the entire Metro Detroit region.

-The length of training is different for every dog. Training may take a year to a year and a half or more depending on different factors like: age of dog, trainability, skills they need to obtain, involvement of the owner/handler..etc.

-Costs depend on the length of the training process as well as on how much training is involved.

-Payments are scheduled throughout the course of training. Students also may fundraise prior to starting the training process.

Some of the most common disabilities skills that have been taught are:






5. Overnight Boarding:

Dog Boarding based in Waterford, Michigan - Serving Southeast Michigan

-24-hour care by the team;

-Around-the-clock access to veterinary care if needed;

-Clever Canine Day Academy included.

7. West Michigan K9

Address: 10574 Robert F Lane, West Olive, MI, 49460

Phone: 616-953-3504

Email-Address: [email protected]


Costs: Vary on the Services


1. Private Training:

-This is a personal one-on-one program;

-It is divided into sessions;

-It can take place at the facility or at your home;

-Dog’s age- 16 weeks;

-Costs: Price - $150 at the facility / additional fees based on the location for In-Home training

2. Stay & Train:

-This is the most comprehensive training package that the organization offers;

-The dog is expected to stay at the facility overnight as the team is engaged in achieving the highest capable level of obedience and control;

-2 Week - Excellent Obedience / On Leash Walking / Calmer in Public;

-4 Week - Off Leash Reliability - Overall better command response and control;

-The program requires a minimum 14-day stay and owner participation is mandatory at the end of the dog’s stay;

-Dogs with aggression issues, separation anxiety, and sometimes, canines of particular breeds may be required to do the Stay & Train Advanced Program

3. Day Training:

-This is a program designed to take care of dogs that need remedial or maintenance training to solve obedience or behavior issues.  

-A "per-day" program with overnight capability. 

-This service is offered to existing customers only, not to new students;

-Costs: $200 per day;

-Advanced booking is required.

4. Easy Boarding:

-Costs: $30 per night;

-Advanced booking is required.

This service is not being offered at the moment.

5. Narcotics Search:

-K9 dogs are trained on the same target orders as certified police dogs including cocaine, heroine, crack, methamphetamines, and marijuana. 

6. Puppy Selection:

-German Shepherd Puppy selection is a program for persons who are looking for a GSD puppy that will fit their lifestyle.

7. Full Trained K9’s

-The organization offers fully trained on-leash/off-leash adult dogs trained in protection skills for persons or families. 

  •    Protection  Dog Basic Package:

-Full On/Off Leash Obedience;

-Turn "On" (Which acts as a visual deterrent);

-Deploy The Dog (Bite);

-Release Dog;

-"Off" switch.

  •    Protection Dog Plus:

-All of Level 1 +;

-Car Jacking Protection;

-Complete Off Leash Control;

-Advanced Fighting Skills;

-Remote Place/Stay  

  •    Additional Services:

-Odor Work;

-People Tracking;

-Bark N Hold;

-Call About Pricing.

8K9 Academy International

Address: 9930 36th St SE, Lowell, MI 49331

Phone: 616-293-5653

Email-Address: [email protected]


Costs: Vary on the Services


1.Private Lessons:

-The private lessons cover all on leash obedience and all questions in regard to house breaking, house manners, and socializing.

2. Boarding Training:

-Dogs have to stay at the facility;

-Dogs will be on and off leash trained under all distractions;

-Dogs will get socialization with other safe dogs and with other clients and staff members. 

-Weekly visits are allowed;

-At the end of the stay a handler’s course has been done so that handlers will know how to maintain the learned skills at home;

-A free follow up lesson and a free training lesson are available every time the dog returns for boarding.

3. Daycare and Training:

-Handlers/owners drop of their dogs in the morning and pick them up in the evening;

-Full on and off leash obedience included;

-At the end of the training a handler’s course has been provided so that handlers will know how to maintain the learned skills at home;

- A free follow up lesson and a free training lesson are available every time the dog returnes  for boarding.

4. Service Dog:

-The organization can temperament test a dog or assist a person in finding a dog;

-The service dog training program features on and off leash obedience, public access, three tasks of handler’s choosing and handler training. 

9. A Pleasant Dog

Address: 1430 Knapp St Ne Grand Rapids, MI

Phone: 616 264 2532 

Email-Address: [email protected]


Costs: Depend on the Services


1. Private Training:

  •    1-hour private session at a pleasant dog or virtually:

-Costs: $100-150;

  •    1 hour private session in the handler’s/owner’s home:

-Costs: $125+ depending on the location;

  •    Play consults:

-Costs: $40.

2. Behavior Support: 

  •    Private Consultation:

-$200 Initial Consult;

  •    Reactive group class:

-$250 for six 1-hour sessions;   

  •    Veterinarian consults;  

  •    Agility for reactive dogs:

-$299 for six 1-hour sessions;

3. Group Classes:

- Take place every 6 weeks;

-Class is limited;

-Classed take place at A Pleasant Dog;

-Scholarships are available;

-Dogs are required to be vaccinated with the following vaccines depending on the age: Distemper, Leptospirosis, Canine Influenza, Bordetella, Rabies and a clean fecal sample on file with a veterinarian, done within the past 6 months.

  •    Puppy 101:

-For puppies at the age of 5 months and younger;

-Costs: $199 for six 1-hour sessions; 

  •    Adult 101:

-For dogs over 5 months of age with no previous training;

-Costs: $199 for six 1-hour sessions.

4. Day Camp:

According to the organization, this is the pleasant version of a board-and-train for puppies and dogs in a drop-off day training format.   

  •    Puppy day camp:

-For puppies under 6 months of age;

-One half day per week, five weeks in total;

-Half-day sessions;

-Costs: $350 for five weeks.

  •    Puppy adventure camp:

-For puppies at the age of 6 months and older;

-One day per week, five weeks in total;

-Half-day sessions;

-Costs: $499 for five weeks.

  •    Stay and Train:

1) Basic Stay & Train rate: $75/day for a 5-hour session;

2) Stay & Train plus Deluxe Daycare: $125/day for a full day.

10. Happy Tails Dog Training

Address: 5155 Northland and Dr Ne Grand Rapids, MI 49525

Phone: (616) 698-2237

Email-Address: [email protected]

Website: https://htdogtraining.com/

Costs: Depend on the services


1. Group Classes:

  •    Puppy  Training Class:

-Class Location: Happy Tails Dog Training Facility;

-Cost: $149.99 per dog;

-Duration: 6 weeks.

  •    Basic  Manners:

-Class Location: Happy Tails Dog Training Facility;

-Cost: $149.99 per dog;

-Duration: 6 weeks.   

  •    Advanced Puppy:

-Class Location: Happy Tails Dog Training Facility;

-Cost: $149.99 per dog;

-Duration: 6 weeks.

  •    Intermediate:

-Class Location: Happy Tails Dog Training Facility;

-Cost: $149.99 per dog;

-Duration: 6 weeks.

  •    Advanced  Manners:

-Class Location: Happy Tails Dog Training Facility;

-Cost: $149.99 per dog;

-Duration: 6 weeks.

2. Private Dog Training: 

  •    Manners Training:

-Private manners training for puppies and dogs of all ages;

-Training Packages:  

  1.    The Puppy- 6 to 10 sessions; each session lasting approximately one hour; 

  2.    The Basics- 6 to 10 sessions; each session lasting approximately one hour;    

  3.    The Next Step- 6 to 10 sessions; each session lasting approximately one hour;

-Costs: Initial Consultation for all training: $80.00

-Single Sessions / Pay as You Go Option- 1 session- $80

-Custom Package Pricing-  4 sessions- $300; 6 sessions- $450; 8 sessions- $600.00; 10- $750.00.

Additional fees may be charged for:

– Travel for in-home private sessions.

– Reactivity and aggression training.

– Multiple dogs per family/household.

  •    Behavior Modification / Reactivity Training, Aggression, SCOM – Dog/Dog Reactivity

-Costs: Initial Consultation for one session: $80.00;

Single Session – Pay As You Go Option: $150.00;

Custom Packages: 4 sessions- $550, 6 sessions- $825.00; 8 sessions- $1,100.00; 10 sessions- $1,375.00.

Additional fees may be charged for:

– Travel for in-home private sessions.

– Reactivity and aggression training.

– Multiple dogs per family/household.

3. Dog Reactivity 

  • Slash’s Communication and Observation Method (SCOM) Training Program

- Specialized program to handle Reactive Behavior or aggression toward other dogs;

-The program is designed to meet the dog’s needs; working at the dog’s pace to overcome the emotional and behavioral problems. 

There are also online training programs that will provide you with learning materials, professional pieces of advice, and the opportunity to conduct the training process at your home. You may want to take a look at the courses that Service Dog Training School International offers here.

Service Dog Training School International

Address: Online Training School

Email-Address: [email protected], [email protected]

Costs: Vary depending on the training program (from $179 to $599)


Service Dog Training School International offers various courses depending on the particular needs of the handlers. There is detailed information listed below each course including its learning plan in the “syllabus” section. Once handlers enroll in any of the training programs, they will have access to the learning materials for 24 months. Hence, each of the courses can be completed within 2 years. During the training process, handlers will be supported by a personal tutor, who will give regular feedback and grade the training sessions. Upon completion handlers will be provided with a certificate- both a digital copy and a hard copy. The certificate is valid for a lifetime.

Handlers will benefit from theoretical and practical lessons, will learn different training techniques, and train their dogs with various commands. Basic terms like “service dog”, the tasks they can be trained to perform, their rights, as well as the responsibilities of each handler, will be covered in the lessons along with basic and advanced training skills. Handlers will be able to train their canines with easy commands like “Stay”, “Sit”, “Wait” as well as advanced techniques like Deep Pressure Therapy, Standing Up and Pushing a Cart, Detecting a Low Blood Sugar, depending on the chosen training program. Moreover, dogs will be trained to behave properly in public and have good manners.

Let's summarize the benefits from enrolling in any training program of Service Dog Training School International:

-24 months of access to the learning materials;

-personal tutor support;

-digital copy and a hard copy of the certificate upon completion;

-no breed, size, or weight restrictions. The school welcomes all dogs!

-handlers can learn at their own pace and from the comfort of their home;

-handlers can spend quality time with their furry friend, strengthen their bond and adapt the training process to their particular needs. 

The Service Dog Training School offers the following training programs:

Certified Intensive Service Dog Training Course | Owner Self-Training Program - Train Your Own Service Dog to Enhance Your Quality of Life;

Certified Intensive Psychiatric Service Dog Training Course - Training Your Own Service Dog for PTSD, Anxiety Disorders and Depression 

Certified Intensive Diabetic Alert Service Dog Training Course - Train Your Own Diabetes Service Dog to Assist Diabetics in 100 Days

Certified Therapy Dog Training Course - Get Your Dog Ready For Hospital/School/Library/Assisted Living Facilities Visits

Certified Emotional Support Dog Training Package [Certificate + Registration ID] - Train your dog to behave well in public as an ESA

Certified Companion Dog Training Course for Autism Children - Train Your Dog for Children with Autism or Other Developmental Disabilities

Meet the author
Taylor Morgan
Taylor Morgan is a dedicated freelance writer and passionate puppy trainer based in Ireland. With a deep love for animals, Taylor has honed her puppy obedience training techniques to work effectively with every type of puppy, regardless of breed or behavioral challenges. Her approach is tailored to ensure that each puppy not only learns essential skills but also thrives in a loving, supportive environment. Committed to her mission, Taylor is on the path to becoming a veterinarian, further expanding her ability to care for and nurture animals.
Psychiatric Service Dogs Are Protected for Air Travel
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